Sansara Pointer
Hey, my name is Sansara Pointer and this is my portfolio. This is valuable content - content that is generously shared and willingly received. This rest of this book will show you how to create it for your customers and your business. Hang on a minute. Is this form of marketing new? The terms `content' and `content marketing' are relatively recent additions to the language of business, but the notion of giving a bit of valuable knowledge away for free in return for attention is nothing new. Think of Michelin Guides, Lego magazines, and white papers from professional firms. These were generating interest and sales long before the internet. Advances in the web have given the valuable content approach wings. In essence, everything has changed, yet nothing has changed. New web tools and the arrival of social media mean it has become far easier and cheaper to publish and spread our ideas. Good marketing has always been about putting your customer first but the difference today is that buyers will no longer tolerate or respond to marketing that is less than good. Marketing the valuable way is an approach that's come of age; one that is starting to explode in popularity in all sectors of business around the world because of the results it brings. Old school values, new tools. If your business is to succeed in our internet-dominated, low-trust, social media age it needs to be found, known, liked, trusted and remembered when the time comes to buy. Let's have a look at these benefits in more detail, with stories from those who have put valuable content at the centre of their marketing and are getting great results. You want your business to be found in a direct search by a buyer searching on the web for your niche products and services. And you want to be the company that gets stumbled upon in a general web search.

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